Synthstorm - The Shadow Plain

Описание к видео Synthstorm - The Shadow Plain

An EP soon to follow.

Vocals: D
Guitars - Bass: D2
Drums: D3
Writing-Lyrics Arrangements: V
Mixing - Mastering: V
Software: Studio One 4 Pro


In the abyss where shadows writhe,
Beneath the veil of cursed skies,
Three phantoms rise with hollow eyes,
Their whispers burn, the ancient lies.

No solace found in darkness deep,
In twisted dreams, where secrets seep,
Their voices cold, relentless, near,
Echoes of a thousand years.

Guardians of the damned, arise,
Bringers of eternal night,
Through the void, their specters stride,
In the chaos, they confide.

Cursed are we, in their embrace,
Tormented souls, no saving grace,
Rising from the shadowed plain,
Embrace the fear, embrace the pain.

In realms where hope is left to die,
The phantoms' reign, the endless cry,
No light to pierce their shroud of dread,
Where nightmares thrive, and hope lies dead.

Voices from the void, a sinister choir,
Feeding on the fear, the endless fire,
Lost within the dark, no guiding star,
Bound forever to their scarring scar.

Cursed are we, in their embrace,
Tormented souls, no saving grace,
Rising from the shadowed plain,
Embrace the fear, embrace the pain.

Guardians of the damned, arise,
Bringers of eternal night,
Through the void, their specters stride,
In the chaos, they confide.


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