Bookings on the rise as tourists get ready to take advantage of travel subsidies

Описание к видео Bookings on the rise as tourists get ready to take advantage of travel subsidies

The transport ministry will roll out a fresh set of domestic travel subsidies on Friday, and already, tourist areas report a surge in bookings. In a hot spring town in Tainan, resorts say bookings have gone up by 30% to 40%. At the nearby Jiangjun Fish Harbor, island-hopping ferry operators say tourists seem to be finally coming back.

The sweet sound of hot spring water filling up a bath. Guanziling in Tainan is famous for its clay-rich hot springs. Local resorts say the phone has been ringing off the hook recently.

Chu Hsiu-ming
Hot spring resort operator
They ask about how to take advantage of the subsidies. We’re about 30% to 40% booked now. The subsidies can be used on Sunday and Wednesday.

The subsidies have prompted many travelers to book a trip to the area. Local food vendors say the crowds are coming back.

Food vendor
Now, the number of diners has gone back up to over 50%.

With COVID easing, willingness to travel has gone up, and hot spring towns are back in business. Tourists aren’t just flocking to the mountains, but also to the coast. Ferries connecting Jiangjun Fish Harbor in Tainan with Qimei Island in Penghu and the South Penghu Marine National Park are also a popular choice.

Huang Li-hsiang
Jiangjun Fish Harbor
There are about 100 people every day. There are ferries to the South Penghu Marine National Park on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. It’s a one-day trip on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The ferry departs at 7:30 a.m. and comes back to Jiangjun Fish Harbor at 5:30 p.m.

It takes just 1 hour and 10 minutes to reach Penghu’s Dongji Islet from Jiangjun Fish Harbor. From there, the ferry continues onto Dongyuping Islet and Qimei. It takes less time to travel this way than from Magong in Penghu. Tourists can then rent a scooter to tour the scenic paradise, with about 1 to 3 hours on each island. The ferry returns to Jiangjun Fish Harbor in the evening after a day of island-hopping.


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