【公視 誰來晚餐12-18】我的馬來西亞老公|Guess Who: My Malaysian Hubby

Описание к видео 【公視 誰來晚餐12-18】我的馬來西亞老公|Guess Who: My Malaysian Hubby







Today, Guess Who meets the flamboyant Hendy and her pierced and tattooed Malaysian hubby Joe. When Joe visited Taiwan eight years ago, the pair crossed paths at Hendy’s mom’s trick shop, and they got married following a whirlwind romance. Today, they run a Malaysian-style restaurant where Joe cooks, and Hendy deals with customers. In this episode, we discover what 2020 stole away from Joe; why Hendy’s sister went ballistic about Joe’s arrival; and how an unutterable secret left its mark on the family.


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