James 1:15 says, "Desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin."James 1:15 compares sin with pregnancy, pictured in Proverbs 7:24-27. When the foolish young man sinned with the harlot, the union's most obvious and natural result is pregnancy. The child produced from that pregnancy, or sin, is death!
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00:00 Desire When It Has Conceived Gives Birth to Sin (Proverbs 7:24-27 and James 1:15)
11:30 Lesson One: Sin begins in the heart.
26:03 Lesson Two: Sin is compared to pregnancy because it (Part One) gives birth to death.
34:58 Lesson Two: Sin is compared to pregnancy because it (Part Two) is a process.
38:34 Lesson Two: Sin is compared to pregnancy because it (Part Three) grows.
Sin Begins in the Heart
Proverbs 7:8 [He passed] along the street near her corner, taking the road to her house
Now, I’m not trying to sound overly simple, but the foolish young man physically headed toward her house. Now look at what the Father says in verse 25:
Proverbs 7:25 Let not YOUR HEART TURN ASIDE TO HER WAYS; do not stray into her paths,
So, which is it? Did he turn aside toward the harlot, or did his heart turn aside toward her? Yes!
In verse 25, the words “turn aside” suggest walking somewhere, but obviously, our hearts don’t walk anywhere. So why does it say this? The heart is being personified as someone with the potential to go somewhere.
So here’s something we should learn from this: Before the young man physically turned aside toward the harlot’s house, his heart had already turned aside and gone that way. Before he ever took a physical step in that direction, he had already taken a step in that direction in his heart. This is why we’re told to guard our hearts:
Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
There’s an emphasis on keeping or protecting our hearts because the rest of us will follow where our hearts go. Our hearts determine the course of our lives. If we let our hearts go where they shouldn’t, we will soon find ourselves going where we shouldn’t. Listen to Jesus’ words that also make this point:
Matthew 15:18 What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.
Before we say anything, it first comes out of our hearts. Our hearts determine our speech. Jesus makes the same point about our actions in the next verse. Before we ever commit these sins, they first come from our hearts. Our hearts determine what we do and think. So, the real battle with sin occurs in our hearts, so we must keep them from turning aside toward the wrong things.
Even the Strong and Mighty Must Be on Guard
The chapter is about a foolish young man, described in Proverbs 7:7 as simple and lacking sense. So it’s pretty easy to look at him and think, “Sure, he failed. He’s foolish and simple.” We might even say, “He’s weak. We would expect this to happen to him.”
And then, what do we think next? “But this would never happen to me! I’m not that foolish or simple. I wouldn’t have the same problems as him. He was weak, but I’m too strong for this to happen to me!” To prevent us from thinking this, God says:
Proverbs 7:26 for many a victim has she laid low, and all her slain ARE A MIGHTY THRONG.
The harlot doesn’t just take down simple, foolish men. She has taken down plenty of mighty, strong men as well. How is she able to do this? Sin deceives us. It lies to us. It appeals to our pride and makes us believe we’re strong enough to handle it.
If there were certain places in the Bible we should remember, this is one of them: remember that sin has taken down many mighty men. Remember this verse when you let your guard down and believe you won’t have any problems. When considering giving in to temptation, you might even turn to these words, read them, and remind yourself of the strong men who have been slain by sin.
The Wages of Sin Is Death
Notice death is the theme in these verses:
In verse 22, an ox to the slaughter and a deer in a trap
In verse 23, an arrow pierced a deer’s liver, a bird in...
Read the rest of the blog post: https://www.scottlapierre.org/desire-...
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