A Dance In Yellow - Grasp of Dreams (Official Video)

Описание к видео A Dance In Yellow - Grasp of Dreams (Official Video)

Hey, it's me again. This is the first track of my new release, which will release when I'm done with it.
I don't have the funds to hire professional help like last time, so I'll do it old-school as in, like The Cracks in the Wall. All home-produced, baby.

I have all the material written, but recording and mixing/mastering will take some time. I will probably do another track-by-track thingy like I did with Madness and Blood! As soon as I have some kind of release schedule. For now, I think I will simply release each song seperately, with a little video or visualizer each time.



Random shapes align
Composing images
In this state of recurring mundane unconsciousness
That all minds know, return to always

Experience dreams: shades, memories and things yet to come
Is this real or has it ever been?
Are we unsettled by our memories being shaped in new ways
Or is this actually a seperate dream-world?

Keep this path clear in your minds' eye, find a way beyond

Senses filled with familiar sensations
Yet this is a place unrecognized
Is this all my own minds creation?
Or the realm of an endless entity?

Of a world where connections
Of minds and gods be as one
And see the endless reflections
Of my own self in these eyes


A gate before my eyes splits in twine and I see

An image that no consciousness of man could endure
A creation that is unreal,
And yet incredibly clear
A shock that should wake any dreaming being and yet
I remain and take in what I see

Senses filled with familiar sensations
Yet this is a place unrecognized
Is this all my own minds creation?
Or the realm of an endless entity?

Of a world where connections
Of minds and gods be as one
And see the endless reflections
Of my own self in these eyes

Like ice, like fire, like blood
A rush incredibly dense
It fills my mind to the brim

Impassioning in a way never felt
It sets my heart on fire

* * *


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