How to dress a distaff with wool for handspinning yarn

Описание к видео How to dress a distaff with wool for handspinning yarn

Where I dress stick distaffs (plural of distaff) with carded wool fibre for spinning into yarn. I use four different methods for drum carded batts, hand carded rolags, and commercially prepared roving.

A distaff is a device to hold fibre to facilitate drafting and spinning. Distaves (plural of distaff) can be of various construction, but it is the purpose that counts. It could be a nail or a hook on the wall, a broom, a stick, or a rake. Often the distaff is purpose-built and highly decorative.
Paraphrased from the Big Book of Handspinning by Alden Amos

To learn more about dressing a distaff with linen:

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Floating Home by Brian Bolger
Snowy Peaks pt I by Chris Haugen

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