Weaving with impossibly thin linen yarn (or conquering the yarn that nearly broke me)

Описание к видео Weaving with impossibly thin linen yarn (or conquering the yarn that nearly broke me)

A friend wanted some light linen scarves to protect them from the summer sun. So I decided to challenge my nemesis yarn - ultra fine linen singles - to see who would break first.

Spoilers: we got scarves.

Included are some tips and tricks to make weaving with linen so much easier. If only I could go back in time and tell new-weaver me that "linen isn't difficult, it just needs a different sort of love from cotton or wool".

Linen is NOT stronger when wet? What?
Learn more in ‪@ExpertlyDyed‬'s video    • Why Spin Flax Wet? Or Dry? I'm Confus...  

To learn more about my fibre journey, you can find me at:
Crowing Hen Farm homepage: https://www.crowinghen.ca/
Shop homegrown fibres on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/crowingh...
Help me make more videos for you to enjoy: https://ko-fi.com/crowinghen

♫♪ Love the music? Me too! ♫♪
Sign up to epidemic sound with this link, and we both get a free month's worth of music to use in videos and other creative endeavours.

Thank you for the music:
(Unless otherwise noted, all music is from epidemicsound.com.)
DA SEIN, Afternoon Spring Wednesday
MELANIE BELL, If I Wrote You a Song
MEDITÉ, Save Your Love for Later
JON BJÖRK, Suspend Belief

WAIT! What about the chickens? I keep seeing cute little felted chooks in your videos. I want one. I need one. Where do I get one?
Here you go: https://permies.com/t/fairy-grove-chi... (affiliate link - which let's face it, I'll probably use to buy more chickens)


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