The Forest Blue (Original by Keira & Kevin)

Описание к видео The Forest Blue (Original by Keira & Kevin)

This is an original song, written by me and my dad! We have been writing it for a long time, and now we finally finished, and recorded it! He sings in this one too, which is super exiting, cause its his first time!
This is a tragic ballad about a woman who's husband went mad, traveled to the forest, and never came back. She now desperately wants to find him, and a cure for his madness, but soon finds out why he didn't return.
This picture is drawn by me! It depicts the woman, the forest-spirit and the man.

Into the woods she could not go,
Her love was lost so long ago.
The enchanted forest pulled him in too deep.

Every rock and tree and vine
Called to her as though divine,
Her broken heart would never let her sleep.

She would not hear she would not see
Compelled to heed the beckoning.
Pulled by her grief into the forest's arms.

Within she'd find her love again,
the forest would relieve her pain,
the spirit of the woodland had her charmed.

I lost it, how?
My love is gone in the forest blue,
I lost it, how?
I cannot find the cure!

She thought it best to resist,
Her will dissolved into the mist.
Yet still her bleeding heart begged her to stay.

The path before her stood wide and clear,
Alas! Drawn in despite her fear,
But when she turned the woods had blocked her way.

Between the thick and darkest trees,
Hopelessly lost, now way to flee.
The woodland kept her soul, she could not leave!

All her searching seemed in vain
Light was lost, now only pain,
Pulled her down and on the ground she grieved!

I lost it, how?
My path is gone in the forest blue
I lost it, how?
I cannot find the light!

Lost in the woods her mind grew weak,
instead of thought now panic shrieked.
What was real and what was only dream?

All about her spun so fast
How long would this horror last?
The colors mocked her and her fruitless screams!

Was she here or was she there?
She could not tell, how did she fare?
Now she knew just what her husband bore!

Despair could not describe her plight
Her mind a trap she could not fight,
Lost behind her thoughts forevermore!

I lost it, how?
My will is gone in the forest blue,
I lost it, how?
I cannot find myself!

With no direction pulled along,
By an unheard spirit-song.
She stumbled down and met him face to face!

Her love thrown down upon the ground,
In him to trace of sanity found.
All was lost in this enchanted place!

The mind was gone, her heart still ached,
No hope returning from this state!
The thing she wanted most tore her apart.

She looked into his wild eyes,
And felt the pain they held inside.
She killed him and so killed her restless heart!

I lost it, how?
My life is gone in the forest blue
I lost it, how?
I finally found the cure!


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