Kevin Sampson: Media Misadventures - 30 Years of Making Things Up

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LJMU alumni were invited along with current students and members of the public to attend a talk by novelist, producer and former record label owner Kevin Sampson, about his successful career in the media industry.

Kevin Sampson's writing career started in 1982 reviewing bands for music magazines such as NME, Sounds and Melody Maker. He worked as Assistant Editor for Youth Programmes at Channel 4 on shows such as The Tube and returned to Liverpool to set up the independent record label, Produce. The label's first signing, The Farm, enjoyed a string of hits.

Inspired by the new wave of subculture novels Kevin returned to the novel he wrote back in 1982, Awaydays. It was published by Cape in 1997 and was the first of 8 novels to date. His latest is crime thriller The Killing Pool, was published to great acclaim in March 2013.
Kevin stills writes extensively for The Observer, The Guardian and The Independent newspapers on subjects related to popular culture and teen subcultures.


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