The Great North Sea Sail - Sailing leg 6 | Asia Expedition

Описание к видео The Great North Sea Sail - Sailing leg 6 | Asia Expedition

This is a beautiful and perfect summary, like a short documentary, that distilles what sailing on board the Götheborg is all about. The breathtaking scenery, the ocean, the hard work, the adventure, the comradeship and the great people on board. The amazing ship Götheborg; creaking, swaying, sailing – all craftmanship, manual work and rugged beauty. Quiet days on board, games and play, storms and broken sails. It finishes with the impressive arrival to London, sailing under Tower Bridge.

This video is from sailing leg six on the Asia Expedition 2022/2023. Leaving Oslo 30 July 2022 and arriving in London 8 August 2022. It was a sailing leg with some challenging seas and wind, but also warm and calm days with time for a swim stop.

In this video you meet several members of our crew. Watch Leader Assistant Hanna Lönnqvist and Sailmakers Aurélien Gazeau are interviewed. You also meet our Captain Torben Hildemar, Chief Officer Mats Larsson, Second Officer Jakob Tilander, Bosun Marie-Louise Edholm, Watch Leader Dave Farrall, Carpenter Quirin Horn and several of the wonderful deckhands that sailed with us on this sailing leg. It's impossible not to love these people!

You don't want to miss this video! It leaves you with the feeling that you really want to be on board! To see more of the adventures of Götheborg follow us here on Youtube, or check out our accounts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Tiktok. Read more on our website

Photography, editing and sounds: Josef Götherskjöld
Produced by: Street Studios & Götheborg of Sweden


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