Neutron Stars and Black Holes (Lecture - 04: The Interior of Neutron Stars) by G Srinivasan

Описание к видео Neutron Stars and Black Holes (Lecture - 04: The Interior of Neutron Stars) by G Srinivasan


SPEAKER: G Srinivasan (​Raman Research Institute - Retired)

DATE: 15 May 2019 to 28 June 2019

VENUE: Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Bangalore

The theme of the course will be neutron stars and black holes, with emphasis on neutron stars in binaries (their formation and rotational history); their mergers; gamma ray bursts; formation of intermediate mass and super massive black holes.


1) Diffuse Stars
2) Life History of the stars
3) Quantum Stars
4) Neutron Stars and Supernovae
5) Interior of neutron stars
6) Superfluidity and superconductivity inside neutron stars.
7) Neutron Stars as Pulsars
8) Gravitation - From Newton to Einstein
9) Maximum mass of neutron stars
10) Evolution of neutron stars in close binaries
11) Recycled pulsars
12) Tests General Relativity using Double Neutron Stars
13) Gravitational radiation from neutron star mergers
14) Black Holes of General Relativity
15) Super massive Black Holes
16) Universe versus Multiverse


May – 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 and 31
June – 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 24, 26 and 28
Time: 10:00 AM


Table of Contents (powered by
0:00:00 Neutron Stars and Black Holes (Lecture - 4: The Interior of Neutron Stars)
0:00:08 The Interior of Neutron Stars
0:00:22 How does Nature make Neutron Stars?
0:02:00 Onion skin model of a massive star
0:02:27 Evolution of massive stars
0:04:49 Core collapse -Neutron star -Supernova
0:05:20 Neutron Star as "ground state of matter"
0:09:51 Absolute ground state of matter at zero pressure
0:14:56 A journey to the centre
0:22:15 Neutron rich nuclei
0:25:05 Beta Equilibrium in the fluid core
0:31:09 Equation of state above the "neutron drip"
0:43:56 Superfluidity and Superconductivity in Neutron Stars
0:44:55 Superconductivity & Superfluidity
0:54:51 Bardeen - Cooper - Schrieffer Theory (1957)
1:00:43 Superconductors
1:03:00 Superfluid states in neutron stars
1:09:21 Transition temperature
1:10:46 Superfluidity and Superconductivity
1:17:10 Superfluid Transition Temperature in neutron stars
1:18:36 Superfluid in a rotating vessel
1:28:24 Neutron Superfluidity
1:31:58 Superconductors are diamagnets
1:32:02 Type II Superconductors
1:33:48 Type II Superconductivity
1:36:25 Abrikosov vortex lattices
1:37:41 The inter-pinning of the fluxoids and vortices
1:38:08 Coupled 'Super states'
1:38:26 Proton superconductivity in neutron stars
1:41:27 Q&A


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