Yoga for Type 2 Diabetes

Описание к видео Yoga for Type 2 Diabetes

Yoga is very helpful in preventing type 2 diabetes by combatting obesity and inactivity, two major factors that contribute to type 2 diabetes. Yoga also improves the mind-body connection helping practitioners choose healthy foods, monitor energy & blood sugar levels, and not overeat.

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In this video:
Surya Namaskar: Practitioners will stand in Tadasana, inhaling to raise the arms over head, exhaling to forward fold into Uttanasana. Inhale to reach the spine halfway up, exhale back into a forward fold. Plant the palms and step the feet back to plank pose. Inhale to the lower the knees to low plank, exhale through chaturanga. Inhale to bhujangasana, exhale to adho mukha svanasana. Inhale gaze forward, exhale step the feet back to uttanasana. Inhale rise all the way up to standing and reach arms overhead, exhale lower the palms to the heart center. Begin again when ready. Listen to the body and the breath.

Bhujangasana flow: Come to lie on the belly with palms under the shoulders. Inhale to press up into bhujangasana, hugging the elbows into the ribs and the shoulder blades back and down. Exhale gaze behind the right shoulder and dip the left hip toward the floor. Inhale gaze to center, exhale gaze behind the left shoulder and dip the right hip toward the floor. Inhale gaze to center and exhale lower back onto the belly.

Practice 5-10 surya namaskars daily, before breakfast (depending on your physical fitness and energy level).
Practice 5 bhujangasana flows daily before lunch or dinner.

Practitioners should be careful to monitor their heart rate and energy level as they practice active surya namaskar. Due to changing blood sugar levels, practitioners with type 2 diabetes may feel light-headed when practicing surya namaskar and should practice near a wall or come to seated or lie down if she feels dizzy or light-headed.

Scientific research has found yoga to be effective in lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. Yoga is also helpful in managing several short-term outcomes of type 2 diabetes including weight management and stress reduction.


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