Stein am Rhein (Switzerland) 萊茵河畔施泰因(瑞士)閃爍的明珠 A shining Pearl

Описание к видео Stein am Rhein (Switzerland) 萊茵河畔施泰因(瑞士)閃爍的明珠 A shining Pearl

A pearl on the Rhine. Many of the houses are very old but still maintain their beautiful appearance.
It only takes a few minutes by bus from the train station, and it doesn't feel too far on foot.
過了橋就進到市區,馬上就能看到美麗的市政廳,不遠處的修道院及教堂,建於 12 世紀,仍保存得十分完好。
After crossing the bridge and entering the city, you can immediately see the beautiful city hall, and the monastery and church not far away were built in the 12th century and are still very well preserved.


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