Carcassonne (France) 卡爾卡松(法國) 世界遺產之城速覽 UNESCO Heritage Site-Over view

Описание к видео Carcassonne (France) 卡爾卡松(法國) 世界遺產之城速覽 UNESCO Heritage Site-Over view

城堡高聳著52座城塔,城牆分為內牆與外牆,全世界唯一的一座「雙牆古城」。The castle has 52 towers, and the city wall is divided into inner and outer walls. It is the only "double-walled ancient city" in the world.
It was listed as a World Cultural Heritage in 1997. The Canal du Midi that flows through the city of Carcassonne is also one of the world cultural heritage sites. Logged in 1996 . In front of the train station, you can see the canal's gates operating to control the water volume.
影片場景來自作者1997與2010實地拍攝的資料。The scenes in the film come from the author's on-site shooting in 1997 and 2010.
離搭火車到Toulouse只有一小時多的里程。It's just over an hour away from Toulouse by train. .


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