Nutritional Facts and Benefits of Bananas for the Body

Описание к видео Nutritional Facts and Benefits of Bananas for the Body

Grab a banana right now! And I'll share with you the benefits of consuming bananas!

You may refer to these links:
Drybox Organic Banana Powder, Pure Powdered Superfood for Smoothies and Baking :
Trader Joe's Freeze Dried Banana Slices :
Green Surge Green Superfood Powder Supplement :
Organic Fiber Supplement (Inulin, Acacia, Psyllium Husk) :
Organic Superfood Reds Greens Plus Immunity Probiotic Prebiotic Fiber Powder :

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Bananas are more than just sources of energy, but a great source of vitamins, minerals and fiber that can boost overall health.

Firstly we will dwell into the basic nutritional facts of a Banana.
One medium-sized banana has105 kcal with 1.29g of protein, 0.4 g of fat and 27 g of Carbohydrate. It has a Fiber content of 3.07g and total Sugars
of 14.4g.

1. It helps to manage High Blood Pressure.
Bananas are a rich source of potassium, each medium-sized banana delivers about 450 mg or 13% of daily requirement. Potassium helps to lower blood pressure through regulating the levels of sodium in the body. It can also help to lower stroke risks and prevent kidney stones. However, it is important to note that those who have kidney issues should keep potassium intake in check.

2. Helps with weight and diabetes management.
The high fiber in bananas are beneficial for weight management, as fiber intake helps make you feel fuller without overeating. Fiber also reduces the absorption of fat and carbohydrates when food travels through the gut. Green bananas contain
resistant starch or insoluble fiber, it is able to add size and density of stools which encourages easier channelling of food through the digestive system that helps to fight constipation. It may also regulate blood sugar levels, thereby helping manage diabetes. However, because the resistant starch changes to simple sugars when they turn yellow, it is advisable for diabetic patients to stick to the unripe variant instead.

3. Promotes gut health.
Bananas are rich in prebiotics, which is a food source for the good bacteria in our gut called probiotics. Prebiotics are known to help treat some gastrointestinal infections and also ease irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

4. Energy for workouts
Yellow bananas are a healthy source of energy as they are high in simple sugars plus are fat and cholesterol free. It is also convenient to pack and
can serve as ideal pre or post-workout snacks.

5. Bananas are actually good for the skin.
Bananas are rich in manganese, which helps the body produce collagen and protects cells from the ravages of free radicals.

6. It is rich in Vitamins A, B6 and C.
Vitamin A is good for your eyes and may also help protect your body against cancer. Vitamin B6 helps the body metabolise macronutrients into energy and Vitamin C helps protect the body cells from free radical damage and able to bolster the immune system aiding the body to heal faster.

Because of the high potassium levels, individuals who have medical conditions that restrict potassium intake, such as kidney diseases
should refrain or seek medical advise before consuming the fruit.

Diabetic patients should moderate or refrain from consuming yellow bananas, green bananas are more suitable due to the lower sugar content and glycaemic index.

Some simple ways to include bananas in your diet:
1. Banana pancakes
Fry a mixture of mashed-up bananas and whisked eggs over low or medium heat.
2. Banana Smoothie
Blend one frozen banana, milk and a few cubes of ice.
3. Banana Sandwich
Sandwich 2 slices of wholemeal bread with sliced bananas, peanut butter or butter spread.
4. Banana fruit salad
Slice your favourite mixture of fruits and include bananas in a salad bowl for a burst of flavour and tons of healthiness.
5. One ingredient banana ice cream
Slice up one or two bananas and freeze them.
Blend them into a creamy consistency and freeze the paste before consuming.

00:00 Intro
01:38 Why fats may be a better energy source?
04:59 Side effects of Ketogenic Diet
05:53 A healthy & effective High-fat diet
06:45 Conclusion

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