上海單身女總裁獨居90㎡,不愛斷捨離 Shanghai Interior Designer Lives Alone in a 90-m2 Apartment

Описание к видео 上海單身女總裁獨居90㎡,不愛斷捨離 Shanghai Interior Designer Lives Alone in a 90-m2 Apartment

室內設計師Kay Kou,25歲那年在上海擁有了一家工作室,多年來,她憑藉自己的努力,住進市中心一套90平米的房子。現在,她和兩隻貓、一隻狗同住,一房一廳的空間雖然不大,卻擺滿了各種養眼的收藏品和畫作,“我很享受我獨居生活的一切,現在這個年齡階段,我活得很快樂。”

Kay Kou, an interior designer, owned a studio in Shanghai at the age of 25. She worked hard for years and moved into a 90-m2 apartment in the downtown of Shanghai. Now she lives with her two cats and one dog. Although not big, her home is filled with gorgeous collection. ‘I enjoy living alone. I live happily now.’

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