Black sesame flaky pastry | 黑芝麻酥餅(含麻糬夾心)| Get foodie with Sally

Описание к видео Black sesame flaky pastry | 黑芝麻酥餅(含麻糬夾心)| Get foodie with Sally

This attractive black sesame flaky pastry is a traditional delicacy in the Far East.
Glutinous rice flour is the main ingredient for ‘mochi’ filling which gives you the chewy texture. Additionally the aromatic and silky black sesame paste works well with the layered flaky pastry. It will definitely give your taste buds a lasting experience.



For mochi filling-
Glutinous flour 糯米粉 30g
Corn flour 玉米粉 5g
Caster Sugar 細砂糖 5g
Unsalted butter 無鹽奶油 5g
Milk 牛奶 70g

For black sesame filling-
Black sesame paste(shop bought) 市售黑芝麻餡 240g

For oil pastry-
Self raising flour 低筋麵粉 175g
Water 水 60cc
Unsalted butter 無鹽奶油 60g
Caster sugar 細砂糖 40g
Milk powder 奶粉10g

For flaky pastry-
Unsalted butter 無鹽奶油 80g
Black sesame powder 黑芝麻粉 15g
Self raising flour 低筋麵粉 120g

Music (no copyright)

Just stay by Aakash Gandhi


  / getfoodiewithsally  


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