Hollywood: Documenting a Torb "Phishing" Spot (11/07/24)

Описание к видео Hollywood: Documenting a Torb "Phishing" Spot (11/07/24)

The first ever "phishing" spot which this here player ever discovered, was this one:    • Silver Torbjörn on Eichenwalde (3/09/23)  

Wherever a turret is placed so that its field of fire is reduced, yet it gets busy enough to lure in opposing players, so that a torbjörn can just spam and kill them, is a "phishing" spot.

This here player predicts that the best torb-players will realize that the usefulness of the turret, lies in its ability to irritate an opponent into moving into a spam-lane, or kill zone, for torbjörn's

Sincerely yours.



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