SU honours Johann Rupert with Pro Bene Merito award

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From 2009 to 2019, Dr Johann Rupert has served Stellenbosch University (SU) as Chancellor with passion and dedication. He over many years been a major benefactor of the University. And he is also celebrated business leader, entrepreneur, conservationist and philanthropist. That is why SU decided to honour Dr Rupert with its prestigious Pro Bene Merito award exceptional service. He will from 2020 to 2022 also take up an Honorary Professorship in International Business Practice at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB).

Dr Johann Rupert het die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) van 2009 tot 2019 met groot passie en toewyding as Kanselier gedien. Hy is al jare lank ʼn groot weldoener van die Universiteit. En hy is ook ʼn gevierde sakeleier, entrepreneur, bewaringsgesinde en filantroop. Dis is hoekom die US besluit het om Dr Rupert te vereer met die instelling se gesogte Pro Bene Merito-toekenning vir uitnemende diens. Hy neem ook van 2020 tot 2022 ʼn Ereprofessoraat op in Internasionale Sakepraktyk aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch Besigheidskool (USB).


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