Raisin + Grape Poisoning in Dogs: How Many Will Kill?

Описание к видео Raisin + Grape Poisoning in Dogs: How Many Will Kill?

Is it true? Are raisins poisonous for dogs? What about grapes? How many raisins or grapes will kill a dog and when should you be concerned?

There is no doubt about it, dogs can and do die after eating raisins and grapes. They definitely have the potential to be toxic and are common pet poisons you should definitely be aware of. There are two problems though. The first is that no-one knows exactly what it is in the grape that causes the problem, and the second is that not every animal is affected equally.

The bottom line is that we don't know how many grapes or raisins will kill an individual dog, for some it may be a very small number while others may eat a much larger amount and be completely fine. The only way to know would be to let you dog eat some and watch what happens - obviously not something I'd recommend.

For those dogs that are poisoned by raisins and grapes, kidney damage takes place and the dog goes on to develop kidney failure. If caught early this may be reversible and a full recovery can be made. The longer the damage is left untreated the harder this recovery will become. If left too long, or if the toxicity to that individual is too great, it may be the case that no treatment will be able to save the dog.

Some people will be happy to just watch their pet and if they show any signs or symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea, pain, weakness, wobbliness or if they go off their food to then seek treatment. The obvious problem with this approach is that if the kidneys are damaged then this may be irreversible and treatment may not be able to save them where more may have been able to have been done had they seen a vet straight away.

Because the consequences are so severe I would recommend a more risk averse approach. If your pet has eaten more than the lowest reported toxic dose then you should contact your vet straight away for advice. If they have eaten less than this amount then there is an argument that you should still contact your vet straight away. Prompt treatment is much more likely to be successful compared to treatment after your pet is already unwell.

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