PS100 - Lesson 2.2 - What is Planning and Scheduling

Описание к видео PS100 - Lesson 2.2 - What is Planning and Scheduling

This is a lesson from my online course "Implementing Maintenance Planning & Scheduling.

In this lesson, we will delve into the detail what Planning and Scheduling really is. At the end of this lesson, I want to take away the following three key points;

First, I want you to know the basic elements of the makeup any planning & scheduling process. No matter what company you work for, in which industry, if it is affected by the maintenance planning process, these basic steps will be in it.

Secondly, I want to make sure you really understand the difference between Planning & Scheduling. There is an area that is often misunderstood but unless you truly understand the difference between Planning and Scheduling, you will never be able to get the benefits to its maximum return Planning & Scheduling will bring.

The last key point we will talk about in this lesson is that Planning and Scheduling is a continuous process, a process that repeats itself again and again. Something that we need to understand so that we can use it to our advantages as we progress through this course.

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