PS100 - Lesson 2.4 - The Value of Planning and Scheduling

Описание к видео PS100 - Lesson 2.4 - The Value of Planning and Scheduling

This is another lesson from my online course "Implementing Maintenance Planning & Scheduling".

In this lesson, I talk about the value of planning and scheduling. I'm going to do that by walking through a detailed example in which I'm going to show you how you can increase your workforce by 35% without hiring anyone. Instead, you're going to get 35% higher output from your existing workforce. And I'll show you how to put a dollar value on that productivity increase.

And that is something very important, for when you are communicating with management in your organization to sell them the concept of planning and scheduling, being able to express the value of scheduling and planning in dollar terms will make it much easier to get management support.

The key points I want you to take away from this lesson are:

Firstly, with planning and scheduling, a typical maintenance organization can increase their workforce by about 35% without hiring any more people. You do this simply by being more efficient and getting more work done with your existing resources.

Secondly, the value that the planning and scheduling bring to an organization can be expressed in monetary gains, in real dollars, that is important as that is language management understands, therefore that is a language you need to be able to speak.

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