10 Unconventional Habits To Make You A Better Researcher!

Описание к видео 10 Unconventional Habits To Make You A Better Researcher!

00:00 Introduction
00:21 Focus on the question, not the answer
01:18 Embrace Failure
01:54 Interdisciplinary Thinking
02:58 Seek Criticism
04:03 Uncertainty is your friend
05:07 Don't compete...collaborate
06:12 KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid
07:05 Question Established Norms
07:50 Take a Break and Do Some Thinking
08:32 Focus on the process, not the outcome
09:57 Please Like and Subscribe

In this video, I explore habits in the world of research and how they can shape someone's career. I talk about ten different habits that are a bit unusual but can make a big difference in a researcher's success or failure. These habits can have a significant impact on your research life and can determine whether you achieve your goals or face challenges.

I hope this is an experience that could change the way you think about pursuing your own passions.


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