Karen DEMANDS MY SEAT on an AIRPLANE for Her Kid...Won't take NO for an ANSWER - Reddit Podcast

Описание к видео Karen DEMANDS MY SEAT on an AIRPLANE for Her Kid...Won't take NO for an ANSWER - Reddit Podcast

😈 NEXT STORY -    • Am I the Jerk?  

Am I the Genius? 🧠 - https://www.youtube.com/@amithegenius...

0:00 Entitled Karen tries to force me to move my seat on my airplane, refusing to take no for an answer. (u/MotherhoodEst2017)
7:58 Am I the Jerk for asking my wife to move on and clear out some of the stuff her mother had while she was alive? (u/RefrigeratorBusy9628)
11:25 Am I the Jerk for having an issue with my boyfriends family constantly coming in and out of our apartment, with no mind to my privacy? (u/Prior-Elevator-7718)
15:03 An Entitled Customer grabs my arm to get my attention at the restaurant I work at, so I snap at him and let him have it. (u/Different_Instance18)
18:24 Am I the Jerk for snapping at a woman who asks me what’s wrong with my son? (u/ReadyPush)

🟢 Am I the Jerk PODCAST on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/0uEkxvR...
👉submit your stories + ig - http://amithejerk.com -----
podcast reddit, reddit storytime reddit top posts r/confession r/entitledparents r/tifu r/prorevenge r/maliciouscompliance r/choosingbeggers r/entitledpeople r/IDOWorkHereLady r/Idontworkherelady r/personalfinance r/AmITheA**hole r/AITA

👉easymode - vibey music for chillin (Cream of the Stream) - https://open.spotify.com/artist/28q83...

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👉 SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORIES HERE ▶ http://amithejerk.com/submit
👉 SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORIES HERE ▶ http://amithejerk.com/submit


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