Father lets son BREAK INTO MY GYM LOCKER as ENTERTAINMENT... So He Can WORKOUT - Reddit Podcast

Описание к видео Father lets son BREAK INTO MY GYM LOCKER as ENTERTAINMENT... So He Can WORKOUT - Reddit Podcast

😈 NEXT STORY -    • Am I the Jerk?  

Am I the Genius? 🧠 - https://www.youtube.com/@amithegenius...

0:00 Entitled Father lets his son try and break into my locker at the gym, simply because he was bored and needed something to do while the father worked out. (u/ulfr)
7:43 Am I the Jerk for ditching my Girlfriend at a 5k race, because I didn’t want to walk with her through a race, I trained really hard for? (u/Purple_Armadillo_461)
11:21 Am I the Jerk for purposefully letting my sister hit a lamp pole while she was driving, because she was not watching the road and instead looking at her phone? (u/IntolerantCheeseFart)
14:45 Am I the Jerk for hiding it from my family that my wife and I have over 4 million in savings, and have decided to retire? (u/[deleted])
18:06 Am I the Jerk for leaving my nieces wedding after she disrespects everyone at her wedding reception? (u/Illustrious-Sun9714)

🟢 Am I the Jerk PODCAST on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/0uEkxvR...
👉submit your stories + ig - http://amithejerk.com -----
podcast reddit, reddit storytime reddit top posts r/confession r/entitledparents r/tifu r/prorevenge r/maliciouscompliance r/choosingbeggers r/entitledpeople r/IDOWorkHereLady r/Idontworkherelady r/personalfinance r/AmITheA**hole r/AITA

👉easymode - vibey music for chillin (Cream of the Stream) - https://open.spotify.com/artist/28q83...

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👉 SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORIES HERE ▶ http://amithejerk.com/submit
👉 SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORIES HERE ▶ http://amithejerk.com/submit


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