2024 Multi-Species Cover Crop Tour

Описание к видео 2024 Multi-Species Cover Crop Tour

As 21st century farming grinds on, we seem to plant some of the most boring crops. Corn, Milo, Beans, Wheat....rinse and repeat until the end of time. I'm bored just thinking about it. But Cover Crops? They're anything but boring. In fact, cover crops are my favorite thing to plant and watch grow. Especially Multi-Species Cover Crops. With our high diversity blends, there is not a single square foot that looks like another. Watching 24 different species of plants grow in harmony together is truly an awe-inspiring thing. Besides being fascinating, our cover crops serve some important purposes. Intead of chem-fallowing our wheat stubble, or discing it under, our cover crops give it purpose again. These cover crops shade the ground, reduce chemical usage, reduce/nearly eliminate erosion, provide a habitat for animals/pollinators, keep the soil teaming with life from microbes, cycle nutrients, feed our cattle, and produce nitrogen for following crops to use. Today I'll show you how 2024's cover crops have been doing so far. There's good, there's bad, there's worse, and there's also amazingly good...and I will show you all of it. WIth rain chances this week, I am really hoping we can get even more growth and biomass out of this cover crop. Enjoy the tour, and if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments! #kansas #farming #ranching #covercrops #covercrop #notill #farmlife #ranchlife #ksfarm #wheat #corn #milo #soybeans #crops #cattle #grazing #regenerativeagriculture #roi


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