LangUp - Frysk

Описание к видео LangUp - Frysk

Fryslân is a province in the north of the Netherlands, a country in the west of Europe. Besides Dutch, the official language is Frisian: Frysk.
Most speakers of Frisian live in the province of Fryslân in the north of the Netherlands. Of the inhabitants, 94% can understand spoken Frisian, 74% (around 400.000) can speak it, 75% can read it, and 17% can write it. Frisian is used by the regional governments, and is protected under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

Today we are at the Fryske Akademy and the Mercator European Research Centre in Ljouwert, to talk about the language. What is it like growing up with Frisian or to learn it at a later age? Does this minority language offer any career perspectives?


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