Maya: nParticle Collision Events

Описание к видео Maya: nParticle Collision Events

nParticles can do strange things when they collide with each other or with "hard" surfaces. In this tutorial I do nothing but create an event after an event after an event. One particle dies, three new particles are born.

When doing such a tutorial we obviously touch on topics such as colour, gravity and shape. The final simulation deals with over 10,000 particles.

Since we usually work in rather abstracts UIs, a nice final render process is always very rewarding...

I did render the sequence of 600 frames and got a very vivid, very very fast, acutally way too fast animation:

   • nParticles Collision Events – Very Fast!  

See the details in the description of that brief video.

You find one of the renderings with a few details in my blog:


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