(11 Jan 2000) Eng/French/Nat

While fighting continues in the Democratic Republic of Congo, President Laurent Kabila has met Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe for talks in Harare.

During the meeting on Monday, Kabila received an invitation from the U-S ambassador to the U-N, Richard Holbrooke, to visit New York to try to push forward the stalled peace process in his country.

Kabila hasn't yet said whether or not he'll attend the talks.

Laurent Kabila was in Harare on Monday for talks with his chief ally, Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, when news came of the invitation from Richard Holbrooke for talks in New York.

Kabila said he and his national security committee would decide on the merits of the talks scheduled for January 24.

"I have just received my invitation here that came from New York sent by ambassador Holbrooke and I will be studying the proposal today and will send my response."
SUPER CAPTION: Laurent Kabila, President of Congo

Kabila hasn't yet said whether he'll attend the meeting.

Mugabe, Kabila's chief military ally in the 18-month Congo civil war, said he would take part in the talks.

But while defending his support for Kabila, he lambasted the West for not condemning Uganda and Rwanda's support of rebels in the Congo.

SOUNDBITE: (English)
"The allies decided to go into the Congo to support the legitimate government of President Kabila and especially to uphold the principle of national sovereignty, the sovereignty of the Congo. We were seen - we the allies - were seen as the violators of the principle of national sovereignty and not those who had invaded - to this day the great powers of America and Britain have not condemned Uganda and Rwanda for invading the Congo and this is a very serious matter to us because we uphold the charter of the United Nations and the principle of national sovereignty and noninterference in the domestic affairs of a country."
SUPER CAPTION: Robert Mugabe, President of Uganda

A peace accord was signed in Zambia in July by Kabila and his allies - Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia - and the rebels and their allies.

But since then fighting has broken out between the two sides.

On Monday, Kabila accused the rebels of breaking the ceasefire.

"Obviously we are disappointed by the numerous violations of the ceasefire agreement. We're disappointed by these acts of aggression which are being committed in the east of the country."
SUPER CAPTION: Laurent Kabila, President of Congo

Holbrooke has said he'll try to highlight African crises during his month-long presidency of the U-N Security Council.

He has set aside January 24 to 28 to look at the Congo peace deal, which he says is either being ignored or violated.

The leaders of Uganda, Mozambique and Zambia have said they'll attend the meeting.

Also set to take part are Salim Ahmed Salim, secretary general of the Organisation of African Unity, and former Botswana President Ketumile Masire, the O-A-U's special envoy to the Congo.

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