Synopsis of lesson 302:
Second Niyama- Santosha.
Is it contentment? No. We might get contentment by doing or receiving something.
But Santosh is about Adhyatma and not about fulfilment of material desires which is contentment of the mind. This is also temporary ephemeral perhaps momentary and not lasting.
Here reference is to Santosh in Chitta. There is Anushthanam.
Ashtanga Sadhana and Ashtanga Anushthanam.
At primary level of Adhyatma it is suggested that we should be contented with what we have and not what we get.
That way we will not keep frantically busy in satisfying all desires.
Mental contentment lasts for a very short time.
Have contentment and don’t go for contentment.
In Samsarik life contentment will always be coming and going.
Objects cannot give contentment.
Smaadhana is to consider or search contentment.
Aabhasa is to have worldly contentment based on objects which is deceptive. Explosive aspects of mind are detonated.
Come what may, in claimant or inclaiment conditions, Adhyatma will give the counselling that whatever the situation and whatever we have, is good for us.
Sattvashuddhi gives contentment and that is the Santosh referred to in this Niyama.
So, Shaucha- generated Santosh. “Saumanasya, Ekagraya, Indriyajaya, Atmadarshanam Yogyatvam”. P.Y.S.
Santosha is harvested in the above mentioned qualities. Roots in
Antahashaucha, Chittishuddhi, Bhavashuddhi, Sattvashuddhi.
It is not psychological contentment.
At the root of Santosha there must be the Sangatraya, the chatushtya of Aahaara- Vihaara, Aachara- Vichaara, Yagnya- Daana-Tapas traya, the Shula, Sushma and Kaarana Shareera Sadhana. Karma yoga, Dhyana yoga, Bhakti yoga Sadhana. Asana, pranayama Sadhana. Adhyatmic and Paramarthika Sadhanas. Prana kriyas, Bandhas, Kriyas, Mudras, Chakra kriyas, Tattva Kriyas etc.
Santosha entails these practices and not just a feeling of contentment. The bio- chemistry has to be involved, Chitta Shuddhi, Buddhi Shuddhi , all this will generate Santosha.
Daivi Sampada….
Patanjali says, our contentment does not give us in exceed-able pleasure and delight. But Adhyatmic Santosh does.
Yogic process offers an astonishing range of practices.
Yogasana , pranayama, Japa, Chakra, Tattva, Granthi kriyas etc.
Chitta becomes clear of Vaasanas. No cloud. Chidakasha is free from taint. Thus is Santosha.
Role of Pranayama - clears the clouds on Chitta.
Jnana, Bhakti, Karma yoga Sadhanas.
B.G. Ch16: Aasuri vs. Davi Sampada.
Jyaneshwar, Tukaram mention Aanda.
Mystic saints thus say, be content with whatever life brings.
Pranadharana- to live , be contented.
Vachaspati Misra and Vijnanabhikshu- advocate Sanyasa dharma or mendicancy., I.e., ascetic life.
Manusmruti- sear Sukham in what you have.
Won’t become explosive. Carry out management for Vishaya Trushna. Trushna Tyaaga is the foundation of Yoga.
Ahimsa etc yamas can then be upheld.
Essential yogic structure is based on Santosha.
Shanti Parva: quoted.
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