Sharath Jois interview - Shri K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute - Mysore february 2018

Описание к видео Sharath Jois interview - Shri K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute - Mysore february 2018

Sharath Ji speaks about Yoga.

10 Questions to Sharath Ji :

1 / Sharathji What is Ashtanga Yoga and how is it different from Power Yoga or Vinyasa Yoga for example?

2 / What is the difference between Led-class and Mysore Style?

3 / In France, some yoga teachers and studios claim to convey Ashtanga Yoga as taught by your grandfather Shri Patthabi Jois. A number of them have never been to India. Others came to study only once or twice with you or your grandfather.

4 / Thank you. Can you explain the difference between teacher authorized level 1, level 2 and certified?

5 / How can students know if a teacher is really authorized level 1 or 2 or certified? Where can they find this information?

6 / And do authorized or certified teachers offer teacher training?

7 / Do authorized teachers have certain responsibilities?

8 / Is the authorization or certification titles that we keep all our life or that we can lose?

9 / How do you see the future of Ashtanga yoga?

10 / And finally do you think you will come to France one day?

To see the French or Russian translation, please activate the subtitles.

More informations :

Thanks to Anna Glinko for the subtitles in Russian


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