Omega 3 Oils as treatment for TBI, concussions and other brain injuries with Dr Michael Lewis

Описание к видео Omega 3 Oils as treatment for TBI, concussions and other brain injuries with Dr Michael Lewis

Dr. Lewis, a West Point graduate who served in the US Army for 31 years, shares his experiences treating wounded soldiers as well as civilians with TBI, concussion, stroke and other anoxic injuries. He explains how Omega 3 oils help the brain recover. Dr. Lewis also discusses diet, supplements and current studies. Dr. Lewis advocates for Omega-3’s use, under a physician’s supervision, as treatment for a range of acquired brain injuries. Omega 3 oil supplementation is one of the safe alternative therapies that we at the BART Foundation believe may result in better outcomes for brain injury survivors.
With alternative therapies, as with mainstream approaches, there is always an element of chance, luck, and randomness. What works brilliantly for one survivor, may not work for another, and we may never know why. All one can do is try one’s best, and hope to be lucky.
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