Section 7 - Custom offline onboarding

Описание к видео Section 7 - Custom offline onboarding

Sometimes you are in an environment with no external connectivity and you have to deploy containerized workloads (or just Microshift, which parts are containerized) in Red Hat Device Edge. In that case you will need to embed all the required components (container images, manifests, ...) in the image.

Additionally, you probably will need to include secrets as part of your onboarding. Adding secrets to an image (if those are not encrypted) is not a good idea since someone can steal the image (ie. get the ISO) and then extract your secrets.

Usually this problem can be solved by performing a "late binding" onboarding approach such as what you get with [FIDO FDO](, but in a disconnected environment probably you won't have access to external servers (ie. FIDO FDO servers), so you will need to introduce those secrets after the deployment in another different way.

Several companies/people are including customizations and secrets as a second step right after the device deployment using a USB key or a manual entry using local keyboards and screens.

USBs are commonly used because it could happen that your edge devices lack of screens and even keyboard inputs, so one possible way to introduce those customizations is making that the device detects that someone has connected a USB key and then, automatically, gets the secrets, automations, etc from it and then applies them into the system.

This also introduce some risks, for example, someone could stole the USB key and get access to the secrets, or someone could potentially change the automations and configure the system in the way that THEY want instead, not the way that YOU want. One easy way to remove those risks is to encrypt the contents of the USB key, so if you don't have the key you cannot access the contents, and also digitally sign the automations and secrets, in order to be completely sure that those have not been modified by somebody else.

In this section we are going to see how we can use a USB key to trigger the onboarding automation. In addition, you will also see how you can trigger than onboarding automation by introducing a token using a keyboard and screen (if you have them in your device) instead using USB keys.

As a "Bonus" step, you can see how to use the same "zero-touch" approach to automate the OSTree upgrade in an offline environment.


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