How Would I Know If I Had Bone Cancer?

Описание к видео How Would I Know If I Had Bone Cancer?

Unlike some other forms of cancer, there are currently no special tests to detect bone cancer before symptoms appear. So you should see your doctor right away if you begin to experience the following symptoms.

Bone Pain

This is the most common symptom of bone cancer, but patients don't often realize their discomfort is coming from a bone. They often mistake the pain for a problem with muscles or joints.

Bone pain usually isn't constant at first, but it may be worse at night or when the bone is in use. As the cancer progresses, the pain will occur more often and eventually you'll feel it all the time. Discomfort will grow more intense with activity.


Eventually swelling in the affected area will follow pain. A lump or mass may even appear, depending on where the tumor is located.

If the cancer is present in the neck area, it may cause a lump in the back of the throat that makes it hard to swallow or breathe.


Bone cancer typically weakens the bone it affects, although not usually enough to cause easy fractures in the early stages. As the cancer progresses, fractues become more likely.

Other Symptoms

All types of cancer are characterized by weight loss and fatigue. Bone cancer that occurs specifically in the spine may trigger numbness and tingling.

Happily, bone cancer is pretty uncommon. The American Cancer Society estimates bone cancer accounts for less than 0.2% of all cancer cases in the United States.

Links To Related Resources

Bone Pain From Bone Diseases
   • Видео  

Paget's Disease of Bone
   • Видео  

Do You Feel Pain In Your Bones?
   • Do You Feel Pain In Your Bones?  

Osteomyelitis and Bone Pain
   • Osteomyelitis and Bone Pain  

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