Relational Database Design Notes PDF | Database Design Questions Answers | Class 9-12 Ch 20 Notes App | DBMS e-Book
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Download Relational Database Design Notes (Chapter 20) PDF & Relational Database Design Questions and Answers App. Free Download DBMS Notes App: Relational Database Design eBook with Class 10, 9, 12, & 11 Chapter 20 MCQs on topics: Advanced encryption standard notes, application architectures notes, application performance notes, application security notes, atomic domains and first normal form notes, Boyce Codd normal form notes, data encryption standard notes, database system development notes, decomposition using functional dependencies notes, encryption and applications notes, encryption and decryption notes, functional dependency theory notes, modeling temporal data notes, normal forms notes, rapid application development notes, virtual private database notes, and web services notes & study material for students.
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The "Relational Database Design" MCQ Questions with Answers key for Class 11, 12, 9, & 10 Database Management System exercise questions as:
Q 1: The creation of a pool in connection pooling, is the responsibility of
Q 2: In the connection pooling, a pool refers to
Q 3: To simplify Armstrong's axioms, the additional rules includes union rule, decomposition rule and
Q 4: The term that means the value of the data at a particular point in time, is said to be
Q 5: The object known to be similar to a ResultSet object of JDBC, is
Q 6: Cached Web pages and cached query results are forms of
Q 7: Virtual Private Database (VPD) is said to be an authorization mechanism of level
Q 8: The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) technique uses the algorithm
Q 9: BCNF is a more restrictive normal form than is
Q 10: The E-R model allows attributes that are
Q 11: The fourth normal form is the
Q 12: In a relational schema 'R', if the domains of all attributes are atomic, the schema is said to be of form
Q 13: The Armstrong's axiom rules are
Q 14: In the encryption process, the key that is used to encrypt data is known as
Q 15: In AES, adding extra random bits at the end of the value before encryption is referred to as an
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