Relational Database Design Quiz Questions Answers PDF | Database Design Class 9-12 Notes Ch 20 Quiz

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Relational Database Design Quiz Questions Answers PDF | Database Design Class 9-12 Notes Ch 20 Quiz | DBMS App e-Book

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Download Relational Database Design Notes (Chapter 20) with DBMS MCQ Questions and Answers. Free Relational Database Design Quiz App: Relational Database Design e-Book PDF Download with Chapter 20 Class 12, 11, 9, & 10 DBMS Notes on topics: Advanced encryption standard quiz, application architectures quiz, application performance quiz, application security quiz, atomic domains and first normal form quiz, Boyce Codd normal form quiz, data encryption standard quiz, database system development quiz, decomposition using functional dependencies quiz, encryption and applications quiz, encryption and decryption quiz, functional dependency theory quiz, modeling temporal data quiz, normal forms quiz, rapid application development quiz, virtual private database quiz, and web services quiz for interview preparation.

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The "Relational Database Design" Quiz Questions with Answers key for Class 11, 12, 10, & 9 Database Management System Interview Prep as:

Quiz 1: In the Rijndael algorithm, the encryption key is of the length
Quiz 2: In accessing a website, a user must submit a digital certificate including the
Quiz 3: The process of transforming data into an unreadable form is known as
Quiz 4: An alternative scheme used to avoid the problems of symmetric-key encryption is called
Quiz 5: To authenticate the user, public key of the user can be used in a
Quiz 6: The first point where the security enforcement is needed is in the
Quiz 7: The definition of 3NF permits certain functional dependencies that are not allowed in
Quiz 8: For relations, the best practice is to use a
Quiz 9: The normalization process can be done formally as part of
Quiz 10: The database that allows a system administrator to associate a function with a relation is called
Quiz 11: The widely used system for mapping Java objects to relations is called
Quiz 12: The asymmetric-key encryption technique is also known as
Quiz 13: AES stands for
Quiz 14: The process of a normalized schema's conversion to nonnormalized form is called
Quiz 15: In the asymmetric-key encryption technique, the number of keys used in the encryption and decryption process are

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