F-5E War "When your tired of getting killed by Helis" Thunder Frisky Whisky

Описание к видео F-5E War "When your tired of getting killed by Helis" Thunder Frisky Whisky

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The F-5E Tiger II is a rank VII American jet fighter with a battle rating of 11.0 (AB/SB) and 10.7 (RB). It was introduced in Update "Red Skies".

The F-5 series are known to be small, lightweight, and nimble. The F-5E Tiger II, made famous by its use as a US Navy aggressor aircraft, improves on the earlier F-5A and F-5C with more powerful engines and a revised airframe, increasing its top speed, acceleration, and climb rate. It also has access to deadly AIM-9J missiles, similarly to the ROCAF F-5A. In air-to-air combat, the F-5E still suffers from a subpar top speed and limited armament compared to other top-tier Rank VII fighters, but it remains an excellent dogfighter that can cover the weaknesses of heavier US jets like the F-4E and F-4J Phantoms. In the ground attack role, the F-5E packs a deceptively big punch: few would expect such a small fighter to have AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground missiles and a 30 mm gunpod, among many other options.

Usage in battles
The F-5E is one of the most manoeuvrable, and survivable fighters at its rank. The F-5E is a very prevalent gun fighter due to its conservation of energy and turn radius, but has weaker guns compared to the M61 Vulcan found on other American jets.

Before taking off, consider selecting a lighter fuel load to increase the F-5E's speed and lower the turn radius, but using the afterburner will eat through the fuel due to its high inefficiency. Another suggestion is to disable the F-5E's radar as the F-5E has no radar guided missiles, so the radar isn't necessary in combat and may harm the F-5E's combat performance due to it tripping enemy RWR. After taking off, climbing too high will make the F-5E an easy target for enemy missiles, and without any ground to notch with or mask with it can be difficult to dodge a radar-guided missile. Staying below 10,000 feet (~3,000 metres) and going off towards the side of the battle at the start will let the F-5E work from the inside out, maximizing its survivability.

After the battle starts, F-5E pilots will want to abuse its energy conservation and turn radius to pick off threats in one vs. one fights. The F-5E's primary targets should be MiG-23, F-4J, and other F-5Es as they pose a large threat to the F-5E's team. In a fight, constantly check behind the F-5E in order to defend against missiles. Maintain a relatively high speed, around 550-700 mph (~880-1,100 km/h) for the best turning. Whenever the F-5E's plane is low on speed, disengage and try to regain that speed.

If an enemy jet follows the F-5E, be prepared to defend against a missile and reverse a turn, as long as the F-5E has speed and is in close range to an enemy jet, the F-5E will be able to win a dogfight against almost anything. The F-5E has the advantage against most jets in a turn-radius fight except against the MiG-21, Kfir, and JA37 Viggen. These enemy jets have very similar performance, but bleeds speed much easier, so a F-5E pilots can try to force them to lose their speed by maintaining a turn rate fight, where the F-5E will hold the advantage and force them to lose their speed. When using the plane's missiles, the AIM-9J has solid flare resistance, but will be defeated most of the time by an observant enemy. Pilots should only use missiles when an opponent lacks the speed to evade the threat, or against an enemy who is distracted by a friendly. The F-5E is a huge threat in battle, and can survive against lots of enemies at once, but without teammates the F-5E becomes an easy target. If there are teammates in the area, a F-5E pilots can draw enemies into a tunnel vision onto the F-5E, which will allow allies to pick the enemies off with ease if the F-5E baits the enemy into a low speed turn or inside loop.

Pros and cons

Great manoeuvrability
Large selection of air-to-ground armaments, including Maverick air-to-ground missiles
Generous ammunition capacity for guns
Small target
Efficient afterburner allows the use of lower fuel reserves, improving performance

Low top speed
Can only carry a maximum of two air-to-air missiles
No ballistic computer


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