Mooncup: Power to the Period!

Описание к видео Mooncup: Power to the Period!

Video transcription available here:

Since filming this video I have become aware of the critical importance of using gender-inclusive language when talking about periods. People of all genders have periods and it is vital that we reflect this lived reality in the language we use, holding space for the full and diverse experiences we have around menstruation—in all our bodies, in all our genders.
As I have said many times before, I believe the world is more interesting and beautiful because of our variations and differences.
Understanding other people’s truths, (especially when they differ from our own), is a continuous journey, one that I am deeply committed to and care wholeheartedly about.
With this in mind I would like to apologize to any folx who didn’t feel seen in this video, it was never my intention to exclude you, I was simply unaware. Since then, much has changed and
I absolutely hold myself accountable for my mistakes. Please let me reassure you that in the past few years I have deepened my understanding, shifted my use of language and am continually becoming more conscious—considering the ways in which I use pronouns and gender-inclusive terms to contribute to the peaceful and all-embracing world I so dream about.
Here’s to growing out of our mistakes, staying curious, open minded, and evolving together to bring in the new age with active loving grace. 🌈

With gratitude,
Dominique 🌞

Ladies, it’s time to take back our periods!

Regardless of how you identify, we can all agree that periods are tricky little buggers.

Today I want to open the dialogue about an alternative Sanitary product that you may or may not have heard of - The Mooncup.

Due to its very nature as a non-disposable product, corporations have no incentive to promote it.

By making the change to the Mooncup today, you can end the use of all those disposable sanitary products and Take Back Your Period.


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