Advanced Tutorial: Gumbi from the knees to neck roll

Описание к видео Advanced Tutorial: Gumbi from the knees to neck roll

Moves by themselves are not important. Moves are like words and without meaning they remain empty and useless. Words express language and consequentially ideas. Similarly, moves express principles and consequentially nature.

It is rewarding for the advanced practitioner to find and invent new moves and new transitions between them. This applies only as long as there is an intention to express through them the universal (and personal) principles of the moving body.

In this mini tutorial you can notice how extension and contraction are the fundamental beginning. It is an important pattern that leads to both generating and diminishing of force. Additionally, landing from a handstand directly into roll can also be worked on in any stage of the practice and is extremely useful for displacement of the body in dynamic situations.

Always remember to ask yourself what principles are you expressing when you are working on a new move (or sequence). The reward will be the difference between meaning to indifference.



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