No[00:02 - 00:22] With this investigation, we are going to discuss about rating construction report and construction principles at planning stage with the executive literature on construction enforces the liquidity in construction by climate changing within the industry. Henry F., father of general [00:22 - 00:41] principles in modern management, therefore famous for 14 principles, administrative managing principles of management. Five main functions of the management planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. Globally recognized the five principles in construction [00:41 - 01:01] established in five elements, environmental protection, safety, speed, economy, and ethics. Confirmed with a balanced regular perpendicular, therefore within 14 management functions, the five management principles in construction, therefore made up to develop [01:01 - 01:21] a construction goal. Behind the management functions, the principles, Mayo's management theory that states employees are motivated for more rational factors such as attention and by monitoring the rewards for environmental factors such as lighting, humidity, and more. [01:21 - 01:40] Therefore, Mayo developed a matrix to illustrate the likelihood that given to be successful. However, an executive literature on Australian professor Elton Mayo industrial relations that Harvard Business School 1920 considered the founder of human relation, human relational [01:40 - 01:56] movement, and his collaboration of the field have earned him the title of father of human resources and scientific management. Therefore, Mayo worked in human resource. The prevailing theory in [01:56 - 02:12] workplace productivity and management was the workers motivated by pay. Mayo used a principle between approach to despair that employees were inherently lazy. It is clearly time to influence [02:12 - 02:32] American workplace. I found four groups in low mean. Low norm, low cohesive, influential by minimal impact since none of the members are motivated to accept. Low norm, high cohesive, disproves negative impact since low members encourage to negative behavior. [02:33 - 02:53] High norm, low cohesive, where we have a small degree of minimal to individual member accomplishments. High norm, high cohesive, grouped as the members greatest positive impact is held is a high standard and workers are driven to archive these goals. The principles [02:53 - 03:08] of disciplinary management according to the final sincerity, obedience, respect of authority, and observances of roles and regulation of the enterprise. File 1994, a Frenchman credited with [03:08 - 03:27] development of concept of management. The modern management has five main characteristics, five classical management theories, behavioral management theory, systems theory, contingency theory, and modern management theories. Each has a unique vision on organization within 11 [03:28 - 03:46] essential theories. However, management consists of theories and principles which can develop to inherit the organization. Systems, Bertrand Heffey, 1901-1972, a biologist from the systems [03:46 - 04:07] theory, a system theory composed of intellectual, integrating, interacting elements that are affected by the environment because of the integration of the system as a whole, and develop new properties as regulate, collect, itself. It introduces such concepts as [04:07 - 04:29] entropy, system rundown, to die, synergy, working together, subsystem. Somewhat new theory like task management. Task management is a process of making tasks, managing tasks through its life cycle. It involves planning, testing, tracking, and reporting. [04:30 - 04:53] Task management can help either individual archive goals or group of individual cooperatives share knowledge for the accomplishment of the collective goals. Within construction is developed to excellence on 1994 by John Egan, chairman of the task force. The terms of reference of the task [04:53 - 05:14] force is to advise the client's perspective on opportunities to improve efficiency and quality of delivery of the impetus for the change and to make the industry more responsive to the customer needs. The task force will therefore qualify the scope of improving [05:14 - 05:34] construction efficiency and deliver relevant quality and efficiency targets and performance measures which might be adapted by UK construction. Examine the current practice and the scope for improving the innovation in product process. Identify the specific actions on world good [05:34 - 05:55] practice which could help archive more efficient construction in terms of quality and customer satisfaction. Timeless in delivery and value for money. Identify the projects to help demonstrate to improvements that can be archived through the application of best practice. Max Weber, [05:55 - 06:17] 1860-1920, took more social approach when creating his built credit management theory. Etc
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