Redefining ‘Selling’ for Credit Unions

Описание к видео Redefining ‘Selling’ for Credit Unions

Many credit unions are interested in better service. However many times they'll say "don't use the word 'sell' in our organization. That's still a bit of a 'four-letter word' people don't want to hear. You can use 'educate,' 'inform,' 'cross offer,' 'cross share'... you name it... But let's not use the word "sell."

And so, our approach at Integrity Solutions is different. We know that training participants when they leave the room, if we're calling it something else, they're still going say to each other when they leave "what they're really asking me to do is sell..." So we don't want them to feel like we're manipulating or using some kind of technique. Instead what we want to do is to redefine sales and service as one and the same. And in today's environment consumers are expecting us to look out for what their needs are and opportunities and we know that to be good at sales today you have to be fantastic at service. And to be good at service you need to be fantastic at sales. and looking for additional opportunities. So that's how we look to approach sales and service as one and
the same...


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