CO2RE panel: The Role of Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) in UK Net Zero

Описание к видео CO2RE panel: The Role of Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) in UK Net Zero

The ocean is a huge carbon sink. It naturally stores a great deal of carbon through chemical processes, which is sometimes called “blue carbon”. A range of methods are proposed to increase Carbon Dioxide Removal in the ocean – including restoring coastal ecosystems such as mangroves and salt marshes; adding additional nutrients to the upper layers of the ocean to encourage the growth of photosynthesising plants; and making seawater less acidic by adding minerals such as magnesium and calcium.

While marine-based CDR presents opportunities to store vast quantities of carbon, risks are still relatively unknown and it currently lacks profile in net zero strategies compared to land-based methods. This discussion brought together a panel of experts to explore what needs to be done to better understand the proposed methods, the risks and opportunities of marine CDR, as well as public perceptions and governance aspects.


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