
Описание к видео Hike

Visit Date: 8/4/23.

Hiking Carbon Canyon Regional Park, Brea, CA.

Carbon Canyon Regional Park is somewhat of a local hike for me. I drive past it quite often, but don't often have the time to stop by. Finally, on a lazy Friday afternoon, this seemed like the perfect opportunity. Although the flowers are mostly non-existent in the middle of the summer, it is still a pleasant and scenic place to be. Visiting a redwood grove in Southern California is a very rare thing. Although they don't grow here naturally, this is probably the best of any known redwood groves in Southern California. It is also a great place to hang out in the shade on a hot day.

Waterfowl are commonplace along the shore of the lake. Encircling the lake is an easy thing to do and extra fun with a camera in your hand. The park is a great place for gatherings, which makes weekends a bit busy. If you can do it on a quiet weekday, you will be rewarded with a pleasant day in the park.

"Orange" - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena

"The Hardest Part" - Jeremy Blake


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