Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (Hard/Level 1/NO DAMAGE) Part 14 - Dark Academy

Описание к видео Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (Hard/Level 1/NO DAMAGE) Part 14 - Dark Academy

► Playlist with playthrough:
► Playlist of Single Character Challege:
Boss: The Creature - 09:10

Dark Academy. imagine long exasperated sigh here That's about how I feel about this place. A lot of spots with dangerous enemies or dangerous combination of enemies and a boss that's a freaking nightmare to fight if you don't know the Dark Rift trick. Trust me, I tried to fight that fucking thing without it, it doesn't end well on Hard Level 1.

But hey, the music here is very good, so there's that.

Anyway, this is the first of the final four portraits and enemies here get considerably tougher and effective damage is the only way to kill anything reliably from now on. Thankfully you also get Owl Morph here which is helpful to tell the game to go fuck itself and fly over any bullshit room you may come across.

The Creature is one of the toughest bosses due the fact you can't kill it as fast as you'd in a regular playthrough or New Game+. Several of its attacks are telegraphed but the machine gun is almost impossible to dodge if you're not ready for it and even though you can "block" the bullets with an attack that's easier said than done. For the life of me I can't block it with attacks reliably.

The solution? Clear Skies? No. Dark Rift. Clear Skies still makes the rockets shot by The Creature explode which is annoying and Dark Rift sucks in perfectly every projectile except the lightning attack.

Speaking of them the lightning and the rocket attacks have really weird tracking properties, The Creature will aim at where you were in the previous attack instead of where you are when it's going to shoot, so that can really screw you at times.

A few notes about this run:

Played on Hard difficulty at Max Level 1 cap.
Done on fresh new game (no New Game+ items or benefits AT ALL).
NO Ancient Armor, Vic Viper, Twin Bee or Konami Man, and any Boss Rush reward.
Grinding for items, equipment and mastery will done off-screen between videos. I won't use items of areas I haven't visited yet.
NO Wind duplication item glitch will be used here.
I won't abuse of certain utterly broken stuff like Miser Ring + Gold Ring + Gold grind.


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