How to Embroider the Detached Buttonhole Filling Stitch- DIY Embroidery Video Tutorial

Описание к видео How to Embroider the Detached Buttonhole Filling Stitch- DIY Embroidery Video Tutorial

To start outline your shape with the back stitch, chain, or similar stitch that has short sections to hook onto. Next, bring the needle up on the outside of the back stitch on one side of the shape. Slide the needle under the back stitch, over the working thread and tug to create a loop. Then slide the needle underneath the next back stitch and over the working thread again. Repeat until the first line is formed on the front of the fabric, filling in the shape. End the row by bringing the needle back down into the fabric on the outside of the back stitch outline. Then bring the needle up through the fabric, along the outside edge of the next back stitch. Start the next row of detached buttonhole filling by sliding the needle underneath the loop of the buttonhole stitch below and then over the working thread. Repeat working across the shape. On the last row of the detached buttonhole filling stitch, the needle will slide underneath the loop of the buttonhole stitch, underneath the back stitch, and over the working thread. This will close the shape. End the stitch by bringing the needle back down through the fabric along the outside edge of the back stitch.


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