Eternal Sonata - Final Boss Battle

Описание к видео Eternal Sonata - Final Boss Battle

The boss fought after stepping through the portal in the core of Double Reed Tower, and the last boss of the game. They have a large number of attacks to use against you, including one you'll recognize, although it works differently in this fight. In addition to that move, they have three status attacks that you'll rarely see - Pala (which inflicts Burst), Truc (Poison), and Zamrazac (Stop). They always move behind you to use these, so you can't block them.

Their two strongest attacks are Nimbostratus, which shoots a piercing beam in front of them, and Applaudisement Sonique, which affects a huge area around the boss and deals lots of damage unguarded. As for their basic attacks, they're slow but have unpredictable animations, making it difficult to judge when to guard against them.

Bringing along either a healer or lots of items is recommended, as well as a strong attacker and a dedicated Echo-builder so you can hit the boss with repeated Harmony Chains.

This supplemental video is part of a now-finished Let's Play that you can read here:


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