SW:TOR - Revan boss fight (The Foundry HM, Solo)

Описание к видео SW:TOR - Revan boss fight (The Foundry HM, Solo)

This video features the final boss fight against Revan in the Foundry flashpoint from Star Wars: The Old Republic. Note that I ran the fp on hard mode and solo (I didn't use even a companion) at level 60.
For being a previous playable character and, well, Revan for fuck's sake, Revan isn't that menacing as the final boss of the Foundry, to the point that the previous encounter, HK-47, routinely gives the players far more trouble.
The fight against Revan is divided in two phases:
- In his first, "balance" phase, the boss will just use melee attacks and occasionally perform a master strike which will stun the targeted player for its duration. Revan will also try to activate his power of the Force ability, which is channeled and will seriously boost his attacks if it's cast: it must be interrupted
- After losing roughly half is health, Revan will enter is "power of the dark side phase" and gains two new ability: Force lighting and Force storm. Before casting the latter he will pull the whole group near him and slow them, forcing you to escape the AoE range as soon as possible. Once he'll lose even more health, Revan will drop several asteroids on the arena, which inflict a truckload of damage but can be easily avoided by watching out for the purple marks on the ground
Once near death, Revan will disengage the party, a cutscene will start and you'll be able to access his loot and complete the flashpoint


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