SW:TOR - HK-47 boss fight (The Foundry HM, solo)

Описание к видео SW:TOR - HK-47 boss fight (The Foundry HM, solo)

This video features the boss fight against HK-47 in the Foundry flashpoint from Star Wars: The Old Republic. Note that I ran the fp on hard mode and solo (I didn't use even a companion) at level 60.
While it's indeed a pleasure to find one of my favorite character from the Old Republic series inside the MMORPG and a boss fight no less, HK-47 is a serious pain in the arse in basically every incarnation of the Foundry (normal or hard mode) and at any level. Simply put, either your damage dealers are in the top of their game and your healer can dish out heals where and when it counts or you are in for a rude awakening. Not only HK-47 is the hardest boss of the Foundry, but even of several pug flashpoints after him.
The boss will cycle between two attack patterns, excluding the very beginning of the game, where he will just stand still to take damage:
- Once HK-47's health has been reduced to a certain amount, he will fade away and summon two extermination droids. Unlike the ones from the bosses of previous flashpoints, these adds are extremely dangerous, being two strong enemies, and should be focused on by the dps. While you deal with the adds, HK-47 will appear in a random corner of the arena and start sniping the party. Since the focus of your group is on the adds, HK-47 will basically pick targets at random and inflict great damage on them, so the healer must learn to prioritize. If you defeated the adds quickly, you can track down HK-47 and attack him. After dealing with the droids and/or having dealt enough damage to him, the boss wil enter stealth once more
- Hk-47 will reappear in the centre of the arena and will lower the room's power core, attempting to empower himself. Once the core has been completely lowered, the party must destroy the four locks around it, which will open the core and disengage it from HK-47. If the party doesn't manage that, the boss will recive a massive damage boost, gain other sniper's attacks and possibly, in due time, one-shot the entire party. After the core has been lifted it's possible to focus the dps on HK-47 till he'll go into stealth again, summon another pair of droids and resuming the first phase once again
Soloing HK-47 in the Foundry HM at level 60 is safely doable if you take care to disengage the core and prevent the boss to boost his damage (which can give serious troubles even to a level 60 toon). Of course the whole thing is made fare more difficult because you must destroy the four locks alone, so positioning is vital


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