The best advice I can offer in preparing for academics at OCS. ** See the Description box below***

Описание к видео The best advice I can offer in preparing for academics at OCS. ** See the Description box below***

*** After i posted the video, I realized the quality of the PFD with the exam guidance, was bad. I took the time to write the below. Hope this helps.

FDLT 1001: Marine Leader Development
FDLT 1002: Interior Guard
FDLT 1003: Customs and Courtesies
FGHT 1001: Introduction to Close Order Drill
FGHT 1002: Intro to the M16A4 Service Rifle
FGHT 1003: M16A4 Service Rifle Maintenance

Exam 2:
FDLT 1004: Ethics
FDLT 1005: Marine Corps Ethos
FDLT 1006: Marine Corps History I: Birth through Civil War
FGHT 1007: Offensive Operations 1: Fire Team Tactics
FGHT 1008: Field Skills 1: Cover, Concealment, Camouflage
FGHT 1009: Field Skills 2: Field Hygiene
FGHT 1011: Terrain Model
FGHT 1012: Decision Making: Boyd's OODA Loop

FGHT 1004: Introduction to the Operation Order
FGHT 1005 Operation Order Development

FDLT 1007: Marine Corps History 2: 1866-1914
FGHT 1013: Marine Corps Mission and Organization & Joint Operations.
FGHT 1014: Land Navigation 1
FGHT 1015: Land Navigation 2
FGHT 1016: Land Navigation 3
FGHT 1017: Land Navigation 4
FIT 1002: Marine Corps Uniforms
FIT 1003: Grooming Standards and Body Composition Program

Exam 5:
FDLT 1008: Uniform Code of Military Justice
FDLT 1009: Code of Conduct and Law of War
FDLT 1010: Marine Corps History 3: World War 1 and Inter-war
FGHT 1018: Offensive Operations 2: Squad Tactics
FIT 1004: Fraternization

FDLT 1011: Marine Corps History 4: WWII
FDLT 1012: Problem Resolution Methods
FDLT 1013: Marine Corps History 5: The Korean War
FDLT 1014: Marine Corps History 6: The Vietnam War
FIT 1005: Equal Opportunity
FIT 1006: Sexual Assault Prevention
FIT 1007: Substance Abuse
FIT 1008: Leave and Liberty
FIN 1001: Financial Responsibility

FDLT 1015: Marine Corps History 7: Post Vietnam-Desert Storm
FDLT 1016: Marine Corps History 8: The Global War on Terror
FDLT 1017: Fundamentals of Leadership Application
FDLT 1018: Obligations of the Officer Corps
FIT 1009: Human Trafficking
FIT 1010: Sexual Responsibility
FIT 1011: Operation Stress Control and Suicide Prevention
FAM 1001: Pregnancy and Parenthood
FAM 1002: Domestic Abuse


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