The evolution of technology | Grade 4 | Theme 1 - Lesson 2 | ICT

Описание к видео The evolution of technology | Grade 4 | Theme 1 - Lesson 2 | ICT

شرح ICT الصف الرابع الابتدائي لغات - الفصل الدراسي الأول
شرح تكنولوجيا المعلومات لغات رابعة ابتدائي - ترم أول

لينك تحميل الملزمة

لينك تليجرام

In This Lesson :
1. The Pre-mechanical Age: (3000 BCE - 1450 CE)
▌People started to communicate through pictures like hieroglyphics and later by words and numbers.
▌People would record lots of information about their life.
▌These documents are key to understand history.
▌Many of them are now available online, such as on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank

There are many inventions that appeared in this age.

2. The Mechanical Age (1450 - 1840)
▌People recorded a large amount of information in this age.
▌This led to a desire to make it easier to record and share.
▌One invention was a printing process which made it easier to make books and another was the Pascaline which was an early calculator.

There are many inventions that appeared in this age.

3 The Electro-Mechanical Age (1840- 1940)
▌It was the beginning of communication as we know it today.
▌During this age, electricity was first used.

There are many inventions that appeared in this age.

Telephone Record Player

First digital computer

▌The first digital computer was 8 feet high, 50 feet long, 2 feet wide, and weighed 50 tons!

4. The Electronic Age (From 1940 to the present) :
▌This is considered the information explosion age.
▌Inventions and improvements are happening very fast.

There are many inventions that appeared in this age.
❶ Inventions help us locate things.

❷ Inventions help us to communicate with people around the world instantly using emails and instant messages.

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